Design (Defined)

Values: The Home of the Balancing Act – Finding the Value in the Day to Day of Your Home

Let’s be real – the reason The Maybe Forever is such a big, fat MAYBE is because, as life evolves, so, too, do our needs and values. We want and need different things at different stages, from buying your first house to having children, to enjoying your career right through to planning for retirement. So, as exciting as planning the dream property may be, it’s important to stop and reflect on what you need; what you value at that stage of your life in your day to day lifestyle.These values will affect the lifestyle you create and the home designed. 

I remember when we bought our first house; it was like I had won the lotto. Yes, we had a huge mortgage, but I felt like I had finally been given the dream.

It was everything I aspired for in my life…at that time. My values were based on having a home that was mine to do as I wanted with, and I was prepared to go without things to afford that luxury. We would opt to cook at home and have friends over instead of going out for dinner, and were comfortable in our slow but solid decision to simply renovate one room at a time.  

That was what was important to us back then.

Fast forward to our second home, and I suddenly thought I had struck gold again. Nestled in a little coastal town, just next to the beach, it was beyond my wildest dreams. Again, we had a huge mortgage, the house was pretty much falling down around us, and we knew we wanted (no, we NEEDED to do it up), but were just so damn happy to be living there. Again, we waited until we had enough money to work on the inside, and lived through renovations for about two years. The outside looked like a disaster zone, but we didn’t care because the value lay in where we lived (more than going on any holiday!)

And that brings me to today.  We have just finished building our home – The Maybe Forever. But, once again, our values have evolved. I want my nice new home, but I also value my lifestyle. My daily luxury is buying a store-bought almond milk cappuccino every morning. So, call me stupid, but that’s not something I want to give up, meaning the decisions around how to keep the lifestyle I have and achieve the build that suits my lifestyle today is a balancing act. 

At this stage in my life, I want to be able to enjoy the little things. 

So, in terms of your build, this means weighing up what you want in your lifestyle now. What are your non-negotiables? 

For us, these, right now are:

  • Space for the kids (or I should say man children – lol)  in our home 
  • Proximity to cafes and restaurants
  • Location – we want that beachside living
  • Zoned living – I love my kids, but  would rather our bedroom be on a separate level.
  • That all-year-round holiday feel, hence my 40-odd palm trees!

So really understand what are your values ..  head over to our NEED VERSE WANT Quiz to help you discover yoru non negotiables – LINK TO QUIZ.

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